Brilliant once again, Matt. Being fully engaged in life is what surfaces the most interesting prose. Because it is real. Because it comes with that indescribable sensation of truth that drips from the external world onto our paper.

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Thank you, Roeland. I agree! And I couldn't put it more poetically than you. It's important to remember to LIVE, then write. Or, as Ben Franklin said, "Write things worth reading, or do things worth writing." Hopefully, at any given time, I'm doing one or the other.

Hope all is well. Have a great weekend :)

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Oct 29, 2022·edited Oct 29, 2022Liked by Matt Zamudio

I've heard this seeming disconnect is essential to being highly creative. Speaking from my world, good scientific research is as much a work of creativity than just analytical thinking. My confirmation came from my chat with Dr. Michael Kosterlitz (He won the 2016 Nobel prize in Physics). Turns out, he was famous in the mountaineering world. The title tells you all.


More than half his lecture was about his legendary exploits in the Alps, and the rest about his Nobel winning research. And when I asked for advise, he didn't miss a beat: "You have to have something outside of science that you are truly passionate about. Else you won't have the creativity to progress". So not just passive hobbies, but active efforts in getting better at it. So you're on the right track I guess...

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Once again, D'Nivra, you've got my mind turning with this super-relevant comment. Very fascinating to hear of Dr. Kosterlitz, someone I like never would have stumbled upon if not for you. Thank you for sharing, really. If it's true he and I are likeminded, it's a major comfort to learn of people similar to yourself, if only to prove you're not insane -- or that insane at least has some company.

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Haha your writing just forces me to think deep! Insanity is a badge of honor, and I’ve seen it’s widespread in science and arts. You’ve got plenty of company. Have a nice week and enjoy Chicago! (Check out the Adler planetarium for a more nerdy experience)

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Matt Zamudio

Nice, Matt. Have you read the compilation of White’s essays? And you know he was editor of the New Yorker for decades. Always outside farting around on his farm in Maine or tromping around the streets of New York City. The faucet of inspiration was always on, in other words. The man - writing or not - was fully engaged in the material world.

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Ashley- I have not! I will have to order them. And I should have also mentioned his New Yorker tenure in the piece. Thank you for calling these out. I love your little anecdote about White. I also did not know this. What an absolutely fascinating man. He may be my new model -- might have to put up a picture of him somewhere. I really relate to that. I feel that I bring my creativity to all of life, and that it's not always necessary to be drenched in the art or culture of others, so long as I'm machinating. Who knows. Regardless, it's fascinating, and your comment has added a lot of color to what I wrote and what I'm thinking about. Thanks a million. Hope all is well. Have a great weekend :)

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Thanks again, Ashley. I just ordered a stack of his stuff. Very excited, especially when I noticed a title called, On Dogs. As we were contemplating getting our dog a year and a half ago, I wrote a series of essays on dogs, and I was surprised but how much there was to write about, how much fun I had, and how well they turned out. I have a feeling reading these books is going to be very good for me and my writing, so thank you.

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Thanks Matt! The piece really resonates for me and parts of it I can definitely relate to!

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I'm very glad, Nick! Nearly all of what I write is just an exploration, so I'm glad I've maybe come somewhat close to a truth. Thanks for your thoughtful comment. Have a great weekend :)

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Bravo, this is a wonderful post that really sung out to me! I'm often hesitant to tell people about my writing and I must ask myself, why? What am I really afraid of? And, when I went into technology and finance about fifteen years back, I felt I had to give up creativity in some way. Again, why did I feel that way? Why did I act on it? Glad I've rebounded from that way of thinking. Both-and is a better way of thinking than either-or.

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Absolutely, Stephanie. Both/And is the way, and I need to remind myself sometimes. I'm glad you've also seen "the light." Nothing should quash or creativity! In fact, nothing can. We only destructively game ourselves into that thinking. Thank so much for your thoughtful comment. Have a great week :)

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So good and so true!, Matt. I used to feel like a lazy artist until I realized that it was usually during the living of my life, the mundane, doing dishes, walking, riding my bike, that my greatest inspiration happened. Not standing in front of a blank piece of paper. It's true for me with writing, as well. I once went a whole year without posting on my blog. I don't like deadlines and avoid them like the plague. Someone during this week's Writer's Office Hours quoted someone else who said "A writer is someone who writes." How true is that? Thanks for sharing E.B. White's thoughts. Charlotte's Web is a gem.

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Matt Zamudio

Freakin brilliant. Beautiful! I love this, not only because I embody the same dichotomy--love of the outdoors and intellectual/artistic aspirations but also and especially because it's just so much fun to ride along on your investigations. This one, of course is near and dear to my heart, hence all the more meaningful. Most precious of all? The unexpected, bust out guffaws of delight in stumbling upon the parts that really ring a chord in me. Really love this one Matt. Grab a shotgun and your dog and go find some wild rabbits!!! Ok, not a real shotgun or real rabbits, maybe some ice fishing . . . no better sanctuary than the natural world, no better Zen, no better nest for contemplation, no better home for the mind's imaginings.

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I needed this today... I’m doing a creative writing course at the moment with the OU and been studying hard, my back is aching. Probably because of my lack of movement for the past week or so. After reading this I am taking myself out a walk and then doing some yoga, realising this is what my body has been missing. I can study later... ❤️

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It makes me so happy to have played a part! What you describe sounds great, and I'm betting it's exactly what you need. I might have to do the same. Especially after being sedentary, getting out and moving makes me feel like a new person, both body and mind. Hope it works well for you. And I'm sending you my thoughts as you work through your writing program! Keep going! Have a great weekend, Laura :)

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Matt Zamudio

I love reading about writers, so I especially enjoyed this post! It's funny: I've always associated writing with athleticism. I think that's partially because a lot of authors in the 19th century (which is the period I study) were vigorous walkers (Dickens, Coleridge, Wordsworth). And even now, Murakami's _What I talk about when I talk about running_ is a favorite of mine.

As I write, I'm realizing that I've just latched onto authorial personas that match the life I want to live. Hemingway's drunken escapades never appealed to me.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Matt Zamudio

Glad to see Murakami's name mentioned. I've read many of his novels after being introduced to his writing through a book club. he is Nobel level writer. Have not read 'talk about running' but have seen it on the shelves. I'll have to have a look at it.


Fred Fernainy

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Nice Piece, Nick!

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“Delay is natural to a writer. He is like a surfer — he bides his time, waits for the perfect wave on which to ride in. Delay is instinctive with him. He waits for the surge (of emotion? of strength? of courage?) that will carry him along.”

Oh thank god!

Haha m! That said, I too am competitive, either by nature or from playing sports as a kid. Actually I think it was my grandma not letting me cheat-win at Sorry when I was a kid 🤔

The point is, competition is what drives me to write better, or at least attempt to, with every new story!

Loved this essay. Thank you.

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Man, E.B. White had some amazing quotes. And yes, competition is great for that, even if you're competing against yourself -- which I think so many of us are just to get to the page and WRITE SOMETHING. I've also noticed a good thing about having a circle of fellow writers like you and Wil Dalton, another writer I "met" on Substack: It's not competiton, per se, as much as it is a desire to do a decent job when I know other writers are reading my stuff -- I want to contribute something to the creative pot, and that prevents me from cutting corners.

Anyway, I probably went too deep with that, per usual.

Thanks for your comment :) Have a great weekend!!!

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Oh yes, for sure competition with self goes a long way with writing! And what a difference having a circle of fellow writers can make. I never knew I needed you guys until I did! I do! Write on!

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Matt Zamudio

Thanks for this yummy piece. It literally "moved" me. ☺️

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Matt Zamudio

Here's the anthology of his essays, the one I read anyway: https://www.amazon.com/Essays-B-White-Perennial-Classics/dp/0060932236

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Got that one plus a few others ✅

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This really helped me, having a life will make me a better writer, who knew?

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Absolutely, Lawson! Glad I could somewhat help. Thanks for your comment. Have a great weekend :)

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Awesome read. This definitely helps with finding some serenity when battling with writer's block, writer's add, and with deciding whether writing 'must' be done 'right away' or done later. Thanks.

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