Interesante e inspirador. Particularmente cuando creo un post, lo que me mueve es el amor por lo que hago, espero que lo que he posteado resulte interesante y digno de dedicarle unos minutos de la vida del lector

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This one is personal for me because my friend asked me to do a video podcast with her and I would have never thought of doing this if she asked me this time last year, or 6 months ago. I have turned a corner and want to try creating more and see what sort of audience may come! Thanks for additional inspiration!

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Gracias Jeannie por tu apoyo, lo que estás pasando con tu español lo estoy viviendo yo con el inglés, me encantaría ayudarte a perfeccionar tu español. Estoy trabajando en un post para retomar la actividad. El próximo jueves lo publicó, espero que sea de tu agrado y provecho. Buenas noches

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I have yet to have a negative comment. Some corrections - one historian explained a few things I wrote about that were incorrect - so that was a great learning experience.

At some point I'll dive into videos, but I'm taking all of this in pieces. I have a nice rhythm to my writing.

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Wise words, Matt - thank you. 🙂

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Sometimes making a lot of work your proud of and putting it out there helps you find the work you really want to focus on. Sometimes it helps you to reduce, to pair down, to minimize, to become concentrated.

I used to do have a podcast and a youtube channel. I would devote so much time to recording and editing audio and video. Even more time making video and audio clips for social media. At one point I was making it a point to post 3-5 pieces of content every day across all the three major platforms. But at the heart of it all was a love of writing.

I realized that I was devoting the majority of my time to social media marketing, cinematography, audio/visual production, instead of to what was really important to me; reading and wrting. I was unhappy, stretched thin, and burnt out. It helped me realize that all I really wanted was to be was a better writer. I closed all my social media acccounts. Shutdown the podcast and the youtube channel. I spend my evenings with books. I spend my mornings at my desk, nothing between me and the blank page.

I'm sure it's limited my 'discovery', but I think it's made me a better person, and I'd liek to think it's made me better at what I do.

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