I don't remember where I read this or whom to credit....."having a child is like getting a tattoo on your face, think long and hard about it". That quote aside, you sound like someone who would be willing to throw yourself under a bus if necessary. You'll make a great dad.

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Before I had kids, I tortured myself with many theoretical concerns. Such as, would my skepticism ruin my kid’s ability to simply enjoy life? Do I have any power over if she grows up to be villain or a hero?

And when my daughter arrived? None of those pre-baby concerns mattered. None matched reality. The concerns I have as a dad are much more practical. As a baby - I wondered has she been fed? Is it nap time? Now, as a 6 year old? Has she been fed? Is it bedtime?

Good luck! Don’t worry.

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Thank you, Will. This is a very helpful insight/anecdote. I've gone through the same mental circles. "How do I raise my kid well?" "What's the right about of hands-on to hands-off parenting?" etc. etc.

What you write makes sense. When the time comes, it's just about keeping them happy and alive! The rest will follow.

Thanks again. Truly!

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Beautifully written, Matt. Great post.

Two siblings I know who'd had the absolute best childhood ever decided - independently - not to have children, each explaining their decision by saying something along the lines of 'because I couldn't hope to do as good a job as my parents had'.

I fully respect their decisions but gosh, that makes me sad.

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Thank you, Rebecca. That makes me a little sad, too. Although, as you say, I respect the decision. I've also wondered -- not very seriously -- about choosing to go without kids, continuing my kidless life as is, just Grace and I. There are certainly some pluses, but none to me that compare to the pluses of raising a family.

In any case, there is no general right or wrong. Just what we feel is right for ourselves, and what we can live with. Tim Kreider, a non-kid person, wrote beautifully about this in his essay, "The Referendum." Maybe you've read it? Here's a choice paragraph, but I suggest reading the whole thing to get the full effect. ( https://archive.nytimes.com/opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/09/17/the-referendum/ )

"I have never even idly thought for a single passing second that it might make my life nicer to have a small, rude, incontinent person follow me around screaming and making me buy them stuff for the rest of my life. [Note to friends with children: I am referring to other people’s children, not to yours.] But there are also moments when some part of me wonders whether I am not only missing the biological boat but something I cannot even begin to imagine — an entire dimension of human experience undetectable to my senses, like a flatlander scoffing at the theoretical concept of sky."

I think that last sentence is what my essay is about in fewer words.

P.S. Tim Kreider has a substack! https://timkreider.substack.com/

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thxs for the likes Matt- welcome

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Thank you, Didier!

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Poetically put, Matt. You have a healthy attitude and you’re a creative guy. And parenting is all about creativity (i.e, sometimes those teenage deflection shields are pretty stout and you just have to go around them instead of through them.). That you’re scared is a sure sign that you will be a great dad.

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Thanks so much, Ashley. This is a super kind and encouraging comment. I really appreciate it. I guess there's only one way to find out . . . we'll get there. Soon enough. Not rushing anything.

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Dude just do it. There is no perfect time. I never wanted kids, my wife did but now I have a 7 month old son and he’s the best thing ever. Sadly one of our cats died last week and maybe the stress from the baby made him worse but then again maybe it was just a pulmonary embolism or something. He was like my best friend and the smartest cat I’ve ever met. He managed to break into 3 different brands of child proof locks on the fridge to steal chorizo. It was very quick. Miss him to death but I don’t think it had much if anything to do with the baby and dogs cope a lot better than cats with babies.

Don’t overthink it just do it. Your life will change forever in ways you can’t even comprehend right now but you won’t regret it. When he’s 3-4 months old and starting to interact with you and discover the world through fresh eyes. All these memories from your childhood come flooding back.

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"Don't overthink it just do it." Love it. This is, basically, my mantra. And a much needed one, because the fact is, I will overthink. The idea is to do it a little less, especially with something like this. I know, like you, I'll be over the moon. We will. In time. What a process that will be. I'm sure I'll have plenty to write about.

I'm sorry about your cat, The Chorizo Thief. Sounds like a character. I lost my childhood pet recently. It was the first time I've experienced losing "someone," and it was very hard.

Thank you for your sage advice. You're right. I look forward to those days. And congrats on your baby. Sending your family my love and appreciation!

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You will make a great dad. The fact you're thinking things through tells me that you will.

Introduce the dog to the baby in the right way, and they will be best of pals.

By the way, millions of dads do OK.

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Thanks so much, Roland. Good advice about the dog. They better get along. They NEED to. I think it will be okay, as my dog will be older then, and probably more relaxed. Not that he's too insane now, but he is 1.5 years old and loves to play.

I can't wait to raise a kid, challenges and all. Watching them become who they will become sounds like the experience of a lifetime.

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I watch Caesar Milan once deal with 2 Dobermans that wanted to ‘play’ with the baby. He sat the child on his lap. When the dogs came up too excited he used his fingers to pinch their shoulders, a quick stab, as though they had been bitten by the pack leader. They viewed the baby now as pack leader and not plaything.

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If you’re scared of being a Dad, then you might be a good one. That means you can recognize that your capable of making errors. 👍👌

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Changes you forever, in a good way. Love at first sight. Really.

I used to be a dog person, they don’t mind little people. Now I am a cat person, I have 6 so I might be a crazy cat person…cats might mind.

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Great to here. And thank you for the laugh :)

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Hi Matt,

First, a thank you for the “like” on my blurb “Why I started a Substack.” “Likes” serve as kindly nudges to keep me, and I suppose all who write here, writing; it serves notice that someone out there in these breezy corridors of anonymous flashing electrons, is listening and might like to hear more yodeling from my mountaintop.

Your piece “On Having Children” really touched me in a tender spot. As I got going here I realized that one needs to go out on many limbs to cover a “moment” that is more like a surprise party that has the drama of fate’s grand plans and is among the most consequential, direction-altering events in your life and your lives together. Let me add, to avoid any confusion, I take full responsibility for my content as just some thoughts that could have utility, bring a greater degree of focus to what can seem difficult to bring into clear focus. It’s a bit of writing only very distantly akin to “advice” but more like a scattering of seeds from which thought-fullness and its current of feeling might spark. And my bias becomes evident. If you are (and you do seem to be) someone who thinks and feels deeply, with an open mind, an open heart, respecting opinions even if you disagree, I believe that they all make for better “choosing.” People often forget that “choosing” to become parents as a distinctive, binary, one-or-the other “choice,” is of relatively recent historical provenance in human history. And we, who are privileged by a first-world life, talk about “choice” as something taken for granted. Until recently, even in the history of so-called advanced, first-world cultures, “expecting” just “happened” or didn’t.

While I am by no means a confirmed, avowed, Buddhist, I do have sufficient familiarity with Buddhist thought to say my line of thinking comes with a touch of dharma, a perspective quarried bit by bit from my occasional views of life looking out from the cusp of the Baghvahd Gita and the vantage of many Buddhist sages. That so consequential a choice is “scary” suggests that the two of you, perhaps without realizing it, have been assessing your own and each other’s courage to make so transcendent a decision. There are so-called “experts” in possession of accumulated data which really boils down to advice of awfully variable quality, meaning some will seem to have more gravitas than some others. But it’s still just a subjective take, the only truly empirical is by way of someone’s subjective experience, received gossip or rumor, and the coolly “objective” manipulation of data adding a gloss of the scientific to the “studies.” This Mark Twain quote may certainly apply: “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.” (Statistics are quite useful in other contexts to gain some clarity about uncertainty when ethically applied.) What objectivity there is, I find really notable is research coming out of neurobiology: there is now a well-regarded view that most cognitive “thought”is supported by affective arousal systems: “emotion” as bodily, visceral responses (e.g.flushing, heart rate, BP, tremor, and of course,“gut feeling”): then “feeling” as cognitive rendition by an embodied-brain from which a minded-self-awareness (consciousness) arises. The short answer here is that feelings matter at least as much or more in decision making.Trust me on this. It’s a limb I’m surely out on here which I won’t explore further until I’m farther along in the forties or fifties as my postings accumulate. (If you must, see Panksepp, Jaak: Archeology of Mind for a very detailed view of this idea.)

So, for what it’s worth, I’ll offer something from our experience becoming parents:

1. For my wife and I it wasn’t about choosing “to have kids or not”; it was about “the desire to be a parent.” “Having kids” I always hear as a loaded phrase that feels to me like something is being dumped on folks as a burden passively received. What, to my thinking, it really depends on is whether you two “want to be parents.” It’s something, like other desires, that is pursued actively and well beyond a child’s birth.

2. If you enjoy and love having a dog you are well along in terms of what’s necessary for the pleasures of having the courage. I’ve had many, many. And whether you follow their advice or not, they are eternal optimists who wake-up every day and say, “I’m betting on you Bud, my whole stake... on you... a human!” And they do reward you with excellent teachings on how to be good parents.

3. It’s easy to overthink the matter to the point where you don’t know how you feel because all the available bandwidth is filled with millions of consuming thoughts.

4. Contrary to Mr. Kreider’s unkind description, I’d say “having your heart walk around outside your body” can be scary, but also thrilling! “Scary,” however, is a good place to start since it means that you must assess trust, courage, tolerance for change and sacrifice in both of you. It’s what a particular Buddhist lineage calls “Warriorship”: going through, and getting to, the other side of fear. That said, becoming parents was always on each of our agendas. It was a pursuit.

5. We got very lucky in terms of pregnancy: We married late. My wife was 4 years older than I. After marriage we waited 4 years (wife is 38 at that point) before “starting our quest to find who might arrive from her inner space.” Two years in and no results using every tip and bit of medical advice available (And we both were medical professionals.) Since we wanted very much to be parents we opted for an international adoption. A week before the “Home Visit” by the agency: BINGO! She’s pregnant!

6. Being my daughter’s parent is the best thing I ever did best. When I asked her, now fully grown up, what did she think was, in any way, something we failed at as parents her reply was, “You didn’t let me fail enough.” I’m happy to own that.

7. My wife and I, each in our own way, had difficult childhoods. That’s not to say we didn’t get certain good “basics” from our respective parents. But from what was unfortunate we learned not only what not to do raising our daughter, but also to invent ways to do things differently. Perhaps the biggest difference in our approach was that we very consciously treated our daughter as a person with an inner and outer, “authentic life of her own” that we were enthusiastic to learn about. Getting down to her level as a real person in her own right, especially as playfulness in the early “Wonder Years” when a child ’s innocence is “uncontaminated” by awareness of an autobiographical past or any genuine sense of a future. But it was equally important to stay “in synch bringing her up” to more adult levels as maturity progressed. When asked what she remembers about us as a positive being her parents she quickly responded, “You and Mom could always be silly!” I’ll own that one too.

8. If you think falling in love with your fiancee was and remains great, you may discover that your love for her as a mother and wife gets multiplied most generously by how much love you discover as a loving parent.

9. My daughter is the only person I would instantly take a bullet for.

10. If Archer thinks you are a good dad he likely won’t mind a sibling or two.

11. We went for a second but did not succeed. Having had dogs forever we made sure my daughter always had 2 or 3 around as her siblings. Everyone got along just fine. We never regretted having an only child and she is the most adaptively sociable person I know. Having had lots of canine brothers and sisters lead to she and her husband adopting a dog, Murray. It persuaded her husband to “go for parenting." Her clock is ticking but it’s on their agenda.

12. Always remember, you are the mighty spark of signal ignition for the being that will come into your life, but Grace has the body’s singular power to propel he or she on the journey from inner space.



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Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Bobby! I really enjoyed reading it. Your writing is a pleasure to read, and I'm glad to have been able to spark some ideas. You've certainly given me a lot to think about. Anyway, thanks again. Have an excellent week :)

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Than you for reading and liking my poems. You are wonderfully different.

About children: it's a scary time to have children. They are especially vulnerable and we adults don't know what's coming next. I consider the possibility of death by starvation, among other things. I'm 77 years and I've had a chance to experience and reflect on life. Will children born in these times have that chance? Please be realistic about the unbearable facts of our situation.

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Julie- "wonderfully different" might be my favorite way I've ever been described. And leave it to a poet. Thank you so very much. And you are absolutely right. These are some of the things that enter my head, because what could be more terrifying than the realization that, in the end, you cannot protect your child? It's hard, but still worth doing, I think.

Again, thank you. (And, as an aside, if you feel up to recommending my Substack and leaving a blurb about why you recommend, I think the "wonderfully different" thing encapsulates a lot of the weirdness going on here. I would appreciate it greatly, especially from a talented poet like you.)

Have a beautiful week :)


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I would gladly recommend you, but I have only a few readers. I keep thinking about the big decision. Would you like more input? You can refuse.

Warmly, Julie

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I love this post so much! I’ll tell you what someone told me when I was expecting my first child. “You’ll never love anyone the way you love that baby.” She was right. We have five kids now and it’s the same for each of them. Such an awesome kind of love! Don’t worry about your doggo. Dogs and kids just go together. I always felt like my dogs knew my kids before they were even born just from being around me while I was expecting. And they were great with the babies from the moment we brought them home.

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Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment, Amanda. It's certainly a great comfort to hear. And wow, I'm not sure that I'm full ready for a love that strong, but, who cares, bring it on. And your comment about the doggos? So good to hear. What is paradise of not a house full of love, where adults, kiddos, and puppy dogs co-exist peacefully and happily. I look forward to the day.

Have an excellent week, and thanks again :)


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You thoughtfully expound on a life-changing dilemma that most people will grapple with. It's very refreshing to read about this from a male perspective as well. Love is a formidable feeling. Self-awareness and self-acceptance of fear, are the keys to surmounting it.

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Thank you so much for this thoughtful comment, Dianne. I absolutely love the way you put it.

"Love is a formidable feeling."

Formidable indeed. Fantastic. Powerful. Fun. Weird. And formidable.

You've given me some new ideas to think about. And you've also made me feel a bit better about my overthinking tendencies. Again, thank you. Have an excellent week :)

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I think scary is the most appropriate reaction to the question of having a child (I’m highly hesitating and scared too!). But I do think It shows an awareness of our world, of the responsibility it takes to raise a human. And I don’t think there’s a wrong or right answer to it!

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I agree, Kensho. Thank you so much for this thoughtful comment. It's good to know that I'm not alone in thinking -- and potentially over-thinking -- about this. Glad to know you. Have a good one :)

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Glad to know that.

thanks Matt

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Querido Matt, tener miedo te hace humano, sensible y no por ello con menos fortaleza. Tener un hijo tiene tantos significados como padres en este mundo. Solo la experiencia te invita a transitar tan amoroso evento.

Ten en cuenta que se necesitan muchas personas para criar a un hijo, un red de contención para cada uno de los involucrados.

Suerte!!! Y si necesitas ayuda, aquí estamos.

Hope that you 'll be able to read in spanish, my english is not so good to write a hole comment. But I undestood everything you wrote.

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I cannot thank you enough for your kind letter. I know I can trust the advice I've been given by you and others, and it makes me excited for the future.

As you say, it takes more than one. And I look forward to that partnership with my fiance, Grace, as well.

Again, your letter is too kind. And your mention that you're here if need be? Thank you thank you thank you.

I sincerely appreciate you, your attitude, and your thoughtful comment.

Have a beautiful week and weekend :)

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Of course, I'll be near if you need me.

I wish the same to you!!

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Querido Matt, tener miedo te hace humano, sensible y no por ello con menos fortaleza. Tener un hijo tiene tantos significados como padres en este mundo. Solo la experiencia te invita a transitar tan amoroso evento.

Ten en cuenta que se necesitan muchas personas para criar a un hijo, un red de contención para cada uno de los involucrados.

Suerte!!! Y si necesitas ayuda, aquí estamos.

Hope that you 'll be able to read in spanish, my english is not so good to write a hole comment. But I undestood everything you wrote.

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